
Therapeutic Massage

60 mins |  $100

90 mins |  $140

120 mins |  $175

Time of service pricing

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding

-Kahlil Gibran

“While living in NY, I had the very good fortune of having Vanessa as my regular massage therapist. I really don’t have the words that adequately describe the quality of her work. She works from a place of deep meditation and her multi-disciplinary approach is such that she always finds a way in. I teach yoga on a regular basis and as a result I frequently have an overuse injury or issue that needs to be addressed. Vanessa rarely repeats the same techniqueunless it works, and is never satisfied with a temporary relief of symptoms. She mobilizes joints and leaves the body feeling healthy, vibrant and deeply rested. On an energetic level Vanessa’s treatments are profoundly healing and whatever your work or athletic endeavors are they will improve with regular treatments. She is always experimenting, learning and improving her work. On a personal note she is open hearted, beautiful, funny and delightful to talk to. Since she moved three thousand miles away and is now living in Portland my body has never been quite the same despite experimenting with other massage therapists who never quite hit the mark. If you live within a hundred miles of her you should get yourself there and improve your life!”

— W. Wilansky

Call today to schedule your appointment!